Peru – Finca la Colmena ORGANIC -KAFFE – Kaffemästaren
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Peru – Finca la Colmena ORGANIC -KAFFE


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Flavour: Ripe berries, Stonefruit, Juicy

Producer: Jorge Diaz Campos

Origia: Lonya Grande, Amazonas

Process: Washed bourbon

Weight: 250

Jorge Diaz Campos, a dedicated farmer in the Lonya Grande district of the Amazonas, is a valued member of the Norcafe cooperative in Cajamarca.  Jorge actively participates in the microlot program at the cooperative, consistently producing outstanding coffee. His farm, La Colmena, is situated near the village of Huamboya and spans 3 hectares. It sits at an elevation of 1900 masl, where he is primarily cultivating caturra and bourbon varieties. The region boasts a rich forest environment with pure and clean natural water sources used in the coffee processing. 

The Díaz Campos family are originally migrants from the Peruvian highlands. Apart from coffee growing, the family is involved in livestock and beekeeping. Jorge Díaz, the third son, leverages his experience gained while working for the Norcafé Cooperative in 2017 and 2018 to continually enhance the quality of his farm and coffees. The family has ambitious plans to expand their coffee production by planting an additional 4 hectares, focusing on unique varieties like Bourbon and Geisha. They also intend to conduct experiments with natural and washed processing techniques for the upcoming harvest.

Jorge emphasizes their philosophy, highlighting that beekeeping aids in pollination, positively influencing the flavours in coffee. Other crucial factors include selective harvesting, controlled fermentation, washing with clean water, and meticulous drying

After the coffee cherries are harvested, typically around September/October, the cherries undergo a careful 24-hour fermentation in bags, followed by de-pulping. Subsequently, the parchment enters an additional phase of fermentation lasting 24-36 hours in bags. Drying takes place on covered, raised beds, spanning a duration of up to a month.

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